Monday, February 1, 2016

The Dead King

Well, it has been said that good things can't last forever, and that is clearly the case with Jerry Misko's 2009 mural of an slightly askew Las Vegas sign in the 18b Arts District. Someone has taken a bucket of white paint and did a half ass and yet complete buff job on his mural, even following the curve of the artwork as they painted his piece and Indian Giver's large wheatpaste that was next to it. With all the amateur artwork on this building, we gotta say it is a total bummer to see them go. We did happen to notice a fresh buff job in the same color on each sides of this building as we were driving up, and some new murals for what its worth. Someone has decided to comment on this buff by writing "THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING.", which reads pretty redundant. Maybe just the one line might have carried more weight, but what does it even matter now? Both of these pieces are dead, rest in paint.

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